Mythic Gaming, small studio, big ideas…

I bumped into a Kickstart one day while traversing the halls of…nope can’t make that work, never mind.

On one of my many searches through the upcoming titles on Kickstarter I spotted a game called ‘FreeDom’, and I was pretty much hooked on the look and style of the game immediately.

I backed the game and didn’t think much of it after; all went a bit quiet though and no early Alpha was forthcoming on Discord; these moments can be scary time for a backer, so I reached out to the main dev “Jamybboyjd” on Discord and he was super happy to share as much info as I wanted and has been since.

To the Point;

“Jamy” was clearly concerned too as he wanted to make sure he was reassuring his backers, so as a gesture of goodwill “Jamy” sent out free keys to a side project he has, and is, working on called “Mythic Zombies” which releases in to Steam Early Access on March 31st.

For me this is pretty cool, this why I support Indie devs as much as I do, not to get free games, that is nice sure, but is the efforts and lengths they go to, to keep their fans informed and how much they want to keep them happy.

Simply though, it’s pretty bloody nice of him!

The more I talk to “Jany” the more I understand the pitsfalls, ups, downs and sheer amount of work, not only on the game itself, but everything in the background that small team development studios have to do, how difficult it is to put together those big dreams into their games.

Mythic Games big dreams are to shock you, to thrill you, to take you on a rollercoaster ride and well, obviously, entertain you with FreeDom but in order to do that right, it’s gonna takes time.

As gamers we gotta give a dev, any dev, the time they need to make the game right, especially when the studio is so small, in terms of bodies working on the game, indie development is slower but for me delivers better results, in most casses anyway.

I think however when we, gamers, get involved in Kickstarters, Early Access, Alpha’s and or Beta’s our enthusiasm and desperation to play the game can get the better of us, well some of us anyway.

“Jamy” has advised me he is already seeing and receiving some hate; I gotta say I am pretty ashamed and horrified to hear this; ashamed as a gamer and horrified as a person. “Jamy” says he is seeing more of it for ‘Mythic Zombie’, his side project, but I guess it is inevitable he will receive some for ‘FreeDom’ too.

I would personally ask people lay off this shit, not just lay this project but any and all projects, big or small, no Dev, no Publisher, no person derserves the kind of stuff we have all heard about in the press. These are games, mediums of entertainment and fun, don’t ruin them with this crap!

It just ain’t right, sure we get pissed off but there is no need for anything more than acceptance and patience. My part in trying to foster this attitude is to show off as many games and pass on as much information as I can, for all games, but in this case as much of the stuff that “Jamy” has been and is working.

Keep people informed, keep people happy but in turn people have to be accepting of that information, there is a time for constructive feedback sure but not anger and hatred, they lead to the Dark Side, you all know that. It is not as cool as it looks over there!

In the case of ‘Mythic Zombies’ and ‘FreeDom’ this of course takes the form of the screenshots and videos below, so take a look at them; I hope “Jamy” permitting and his busy schedule permitting this may also take the form of updates on as development progresses

It will however be talked on the new release streams on my Twitch channel and once Mythic Zombies releases I will do a segment of gameplay on the game and follow its pathes.

I hope to be able to share info on ‘FreeDom’ as and when it is available too and, along with sharing “Jamy’s” YouTube I have videos below along with some new footage of the game, so take a look at it all, I think you will like what you see.

As with ‘Mythic Zombies’I hope to be able to share info on ‘FreeDom’ as and when it is available too and, along with sharing “Jamy’s” YouTube I have videos below along with some new footage of the game, so take a look at it all, I think you wiil like what you see.

Mythic Zombies

To the Steam Page

To the Discord

JAMYBBOYD has his own YouTube where he posts his own gameplay from stuff he plays but there is also some stuff for FreeDom on there while below I have added the proof of concept and Pre-Alpha footage that was on the Kickstarter page, there is more to see by following the link.
This is the current look of Freedom, it has changed a fair amount from the below.

The above version uses a whole new framework and improves on FPS and stability.

If you want to know more about the games please feel free to contact and I will forward any questions to “Jamy” and see what answers he is able to give.

Thanks for talking the time to read through and take care, cya soon, Raz.


If there are any other small dev’s out there that are looking for a Streamer / Blog writer that gets and wants some coverage feel free to contact me @

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