It’s beauty, but stylized man!

You know I support a fair few KickStarters, well here is one that I have a close eye on along with one or two others, the others you will have to watch this space for further info on but watch this space as they have ended but Skyclimbers is still up!

Ending now in just 4 days, this very interesting sounding project is well worth a look if your game taste is anything like mine, that said you need to check it out anyway, there are some very promising features it has an amazing look and feel.

I mean any game you can find a baby companion that you can raise up to fight with you AND be your mount, I am in, with the addition of city building, open world RPG gameplay and a procedurally generated anime-themed metaverse.

The campaign is currently 1119% of the required amount to pass the Kickstarter so there are plenty of Stretch Goals passed, some are less interesting than others but to me that mean even if it was only to have made the required amount it still would have had all the good stuff in it.

There are a ton of game out this year and sure you may not need to be worrying about something that will not be out for a while, finished anyway but helping fund these kinda projects keeps them pure and I like that.

Have a good look over the video’s here, click over to the Kickstarter page, check the game out, see if you like the look and if you, like me, like what you see, see if there a package you can afford that gets you the game as it generally works out cheaper than buying when it releases and you generally have options to have get something Kickstarter exclusive.

There are some risks of course with backing a project early so you have way those risks versus playing the game early, paying less and what exclusives you but you also get the satisfaction of helping someone get a game to the finish line, that’s pretty priceless, just do you research to make sure the legitimacy of the project.

All of that said, I have only ever had one problem out 40 odd projects backed, that is not to say you shouldn’t be careful, you should, but most projects on KickStarter are legitimately individuals or small companies trying to find a way to startup that does not mean selling out and delivering their dream.

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