The Star Citizen comes out to talk…

It has been a rocky 2023 for Star Citizen, every patch this year has had it’s issue from large to small, effecting few or many players, some players have been effected very little, some a lot and I mean A LOT! I personally could not play for the first 4 months of the year.

We recently saw the release of 3.20 from the PTU to Live and well, it did not deliver everything people like myself said it would, thought it would having played the PTU. Some cried that the patch had been released too early but this thing of it is, it actually wasn’t.

Where I stood, sometime frustrated and stroppy, on my hill screaming it’s not the game, then it is the game then it isn’t the game, I felt sometimes alone, when I said it was not the game and accompanied when I said it was, finally landing on, it is not the game, something else it at fault, it must be the servers and while I was wrong about the cause, turns out I was right that it was not the game, sort of.

Earlier this week we saw a post from a well known Franch content creator go up on spectrum, there was a ton of fantastic feedback from himself and his community, there were tons of suggestions for Qaulity of Life changes to the game varying from the mundane to the fantastic but the sum if it was epic and it was proven to be so by the one and only Chris Roberts, THE Star Citizen, himself coming out to respond.

I stopped to think about this after listening to Bored Gamers daily YouTube content in which the legend that Bored discusses the post and response. I had thought about posting a comment on you video, I started but it turned into an essay so I thought better of it, I didn’t want to take up that space or look like I was trying to take advantage.

Anyway, here are my thoughts on the response;

I personally think this is a pretty important response from Chris Roberts, more important than maybe most are seeing, this is some very good transparency, the kind most development leaders would not want us to know, especially where another company is involved. He clearly wants us all to know, in the level of details we need to, not confusingly deep but detailed enough as to explain just what has caused the issues since 3.18 and particularly why it is OK on PTU and bad on Live.

It is also a good time to get this out there too, getting it out not means this issues should not sully the first Citizen con in 4 years as this is going to be very important as they want to focus on the positivity of the upcoming features for Star Citizen and I am sure they are going to make some noise about Squadron, personally I would not be shocked if they announced some sort of limited testing for it coming soon ‘ish for the latter.

The language used in the post is interesting too as you can almost feel the frustration in them, this is a man unhappy that other systems are letting the game down and impeding the good work of his teams, very glad he took the time to reply, used the wording he did and timed it this well as he has, this, as I said, clears…should…clear the air for CitizenCon though there will be certain individuals in the community Salty about anything from CIG and Chris Roberts.

Terada’s post and Chris’ response, plus everyone elses, can be found here.

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