ch-ch-changes…Streaming, the evolution…

It occurred to me the other day that while my stream and I have evolved I have not taken the time here to say how and why, to be honest I am lacking at using this as I mostly use my discord, let’s fix that…

As you can see from the above Schedule we have 2 sections in our show these are;

Show and William (Tell)

What this then?

Well, Show and William (Tell) is designed to show off a few things, you will either see New Release, Early Access Release, Early Access Catch-up, Pre-Release Games from Kickstarter, Pre-Release Games from Publishers or Devs or Games who’s patches have significantly changed them.

It could include Alpha’s and Beta’s that we have permission to show or are not under NDA but I will always advise of this however.

The games will either have been brought myself, come from passes such as Xbox Ultimate Pass, Uplay+, EA Premium Pass or Humble Choice, or supplied free by Publishers, Developers or PR Companies for inclusion in the show.

What I want this segment of the show to be is you one stop shop for all the above, I want you to be able to come to me when a game comes out however it may be released and see it in action, ask questions, listen to my opinions and make a decisions for yourselves weather the game is a good fit for you.

Is it priced right? Is it fun to play? Is there enough of content? Does it have ridiculous DLC? How do the controls feel? Is it animated well? Does it run OK? Is the voice acting up to par? Does it feel finished or does it need patches before it’s playable?

These are just some of the questions we will give answers too but also you could ask, will I enjoy it? I will stop and ask you for some context, some information to help me answer that, and give you an opinion on that but obviously only you will be able to decide but I want to be able to help YOU make the decision to buy.

Can’t I just read reviews or watch X or Y for that?

Sure, but isn’t better that you are able to ask those questions live while the game it is being played? Isn’t it better to get a truly independent opinion too? I have no alliances, no allegiances, no sponsorship or anything, even if I did I wouldn’t care I will ALWAYS tell you if a game is good or bad, I will never deviate from ethics of the truth and honesty comes first.

However the only way you are going to believe that is coming in for the first game you are interested in and for that you need to watch Twitter for what I am doing on the day.

If you see something you interested in, in this section then stop in and see how much you can trust me, see if you agree with or just have a chat about games like we do on a Friday, I think you’ll like this new twist on a Twitch Stream.


Normal Service has Resumed

What is it?

This one is rather easy, we have games we play from start to finish on the stream, these include Fable, Borderlands 3, Darks Souls 3, Lords of the Fallen, The Universim (less of a finish game) and World of Warcraft and many more to come once certain games are finished.

We are also currently playing FallOut 76 Co-Op with RustyShakes and Various game Co-Op with Apoka51.

All of these are the kind of things that happen in this section of the Show, it is about stuff were are playing ongoing and that will very well mean that some things from Show and William (Tell) end up going through a full play-through here but not until we get through some other bits first.

I welcome suggestions and requests for this part of the show and we will usually try and get something in there, for instance we were asked recently if The Universim could go on the rotation and we now look at that on Saturday with the amazing Twitch Integration on for people to cause mayhem with why we play.

So pop in, check me out, I am, hopefully doing something a little different but only you can decide. If you fancy checking the channel out here is my Twitch channel and here is my Streamlabs page for when I am live and to see when I am going live follow me on Twitter or Facebook.


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